

There is a suggested one-time donation of £10/€15/50zł (approx. 20 USD) per connection for the European Parents Conference. Your donation can be made through the PayPal link below. PayPal will take care of the currency conversion.
Unlike the usual conference fee, donations are not directly linked to your specific registrant. This page will display the donation button even if you have already made a donation; however, you should receive a payment confirmation email directly from PayPal.
Click on the respective button to make donation.
The suggested donation is £10 (approximately 15€ or $20), but if you are unable to donate that much or want to donate more that is fine.
Yes, you may donate later.
Yes, you can.
Please check your email registered with PayPal or with the card you used to make the payment. The transaction will likely appear on your statement as a donation to “European Young People’s Work e.V.”.